FAQ for
The First Great Annual Speculative Poetry Postcard Swap
Who can participate?
Anyone, anywhere with their own speculative poem to share and card stock.
How many deadlines are there and what are they?
There are two deadlines.
The first deadline is to sign up at Speculativepoetry@gmail.com using the subject heading “ I intend to send 5 speculative poetry postcards” by June 8, 2025. You will get the mailing address that you will send your five postcards too.
The next deadline is the arrival date for the five postcards They must arrive in New York at the given address by July 30, 2025.
What happens if they are late?
Then they will be returned to you if you have included the return postage or provided a paypal address.
What happens if I sign up late?
You won’t be included.
What is a postcard?
A postcard is a single piece of heavy card stock that is mailed without an envelope and has room on one side for an address and stamp.
What size should my postcards be?
Your postcards must meet the USPS minimum of 6 by 4.25 inches and a maximum of 5 x 7 for this swap.
What is on the postcards?
An original speculative poem by you, the sender, must be on the postcard. You may also include an image.
How many postcards should we send?
five (5)
How can we make postcards?
You may purchase card stock and print them on your home printer. You may purchase card stock and hand write/draw 5 postcards. You may purchase them from a commercial printer. You may design them on your computer, or by hand and have them reproduced at a Staples or UPS store or other places with reproduction machine.
What else should we send?
You should send a label with your name and address on it and $1.47 postage to receive 4 postcards if you are in the US. $1.47 is two first class stamps and one cent
If you are outside the U.S., you must supply a paypal address so that the cost of mailing to you can be paid.
You can guesstimate what those costs would be by going to usps.gov. Check the rate for international letter 2 ounces, rigid content, International mail costs vary country by country,
Why do this?
Do this to have fun, to communicate with other creators, to read new speculative content.